For quite some time, WhatsApp has offered the ability to send high-quality photos with reduced compression. Users have been able to choose from options such as ‘data saver,’ ‘standard,’ and ‘high-quality’ when sending photos. According to WABetaInfo, a WhatsApp feature tracker, this functionality will soon extend to videos as well. The latest WhatsApp beta for iOS ( includes this feature along with improved profile photos within group chats.
In the upcoming update, users will be able to select between standard and HD quality when sending videos. Although the feature is still in early beta testing, the provided screenshot demonstrates the difference in file sizes—2.2 MB for standard quality and 4.9 MB for HD quality. While apps like Telegram allow sending videos in their original quality, WhatsApp’s offline storage approach prioritizes device storage conservation.
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Despite the slightly larger file size, WABetaInfo confirms that the HD quality option significantly enhances detail. However, it’s worth noting that users will need to manually select the HD quality option each time as WhatsApp won’t save their preferences. When a video is sent in HD quality, it will be identified by an “HD” logo in the bottom left corner, indicating a slightly larger download size for recipients. While the exact public release date remains unclear, the ongoing beta testing suggests that the feature will be introduced in due course, potentially accompanied by additional quality options in the future.
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